Our privacy policy in short

At klikkie we understand that your personal data and photographs are very personal. That is why we take security and privacy very seriously. We will explain in short for how long we will store your personal data and photographs. For more information, we would like to refer you to the privacy policy as set out below. This privacy policy includes an extensive description of which personal data we collect, how we store them, and for how long.

If you register at klikkie, you give us your name, address details, and email address. You also upload photographs to us every month, which we print and send to you. We store these photographs securely in our database, which meets the security requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. Because we want to give you the opportunity the see these photographs at a later date and possibly print them, we store these photographs for as long as you subscribe to our service. If you pause your account, we will store your personal data and photographs so you will have access to them when you resume your subscription. This way, you can always easily access your photographs for as long as you are a klikkie member.

If you definitively end your account, we will immediately delete your personal data and photographs from our system. If you register with us again at a later date, all your photographs will have been removed from our system. If you do have an active account with klikkie, but you do not want us to store your photographs, you can always send us a message at and send a request for removal. In that case, we will remove your photographs from our system within a month.

For extensive information we refer you to the privacy policy as set out below. You can always ask questions to our Data Privacy Officer via The Data Privacy Officer will answer all questions concerning our privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

In this privacy statement we will explain which information we store when you use our service and visit our website. When processing the personal data, we meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that we will observe the following requirements when processing personal data:

  • We will clearly state for which purposes we process your personal data in this privacy statement;
  • We expressly ask you for permission to process your personal data in instances where we are legally required to do so;
  • We only collect the personal data that are necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
  • We shall store the collected data for as long as we believe this is necessary to provide a good service. We will state for how long we collect these data in this privacy statement.
  • You have the right to update and/or remove your data at all times. This privacy statement will explain how you can do this.
  • We use third parties for the implementation of our service. We shall not share your personal data with third parties, unless this is necessary to provide the requested service or when we are legally obliged to do so.
  • When we share your personal data with third parties, we will enter agreements with these third parties to ensure that they will not use these personal data for other purposes.
  • We will take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this of the parties that process personal data on our behalf.
  • We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at all times by posting an altered version on this website and stating the effective date of this privacy statement. If substantial changes are made to the privacy statement, we will inform you via email. This privacy statement is effective from April 16, 2019.

Personal data we collect during the use of our service:

  • First and last name: We store this because we need to know who an order is for.
  • Address details: We use this to send your order.
  • Telephone number: We store your telephone number so customer service can contact you if there are questions about your order.
  • Email: We need to store this because we send you an email confirmation after successful registration. Moreover, we send reminder emails to this email address at the start and end of the klikkie month. If you give us permission for sending marketing emails, we also send you emails with offers and tips & tricks.
  • Password: We only store an encrypted version of this. This way we can be certain that only you can access your data.
  • Chosen frequency and package: We store this so we know which product you purchase from us.
  • Voucher code: We store this to check how high the discount is you should receive and who has already used a code.
  • IP address: We store your IP address to secure our environment.
  • Acceptance of our terms and conditions: We store this in order to be able to prove that you have read and accepted our general terms and conditions.
  • Payment data: These are stored in the secured payment environment of our partner, Adyen. These credit card or bank account data are stored to enable a monthly direct debit payment.
  • Data connected to your account: Purchase history, account status (active, paused, ended), or any referrals.
  • Communication with customer service: Customer service would love to help you with questions about your order.
  • The mutual communication is stored. Useful, so we do not have to keep asking the same questions or if another colleague is helping you. We also analyze our customer correspondence in order to slightly improve our service every day.
  • Response to customer satisfaction survey: In order to find out what you think of our service, we send you – if you give permission – an email with a customer satisfaction survey. We store the results of this survey so we can improve our service.
  • Photographs you upload to your account: Of course we can only provide our service if you upload ten photographs to your profile every month.

Purposes for the processing of personal data:

We process personal data for several purposes. On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we need to indicate on which "basis" we process your personal data. Below, we explain per basis which personal data we use and what the purpose of the processing of these personal data is:

1. Complying with an agreement with the person concerned.

You entered an agreement with klikkie to receive your favorite photographs at home every month. To execute this agreement, we process the following data:

  • Name and address details
  • Email address and password
  • Credit card or bank account data
  • Chosen subscription package
  • Any voucher code applied
  • Payment data
  • Communication with customer service
  • Telephone data

The collection of these personal data has the following purposes:

  • Printing and sending of your photographs.
  • Creating and maintaining your account
  • Automatically billing the new klikkie month.
  • To see how long your subscription continues so it will automatically continue as a monthly subscription.
  • Payment data are used to check whether the payment took place correctly so you gain access to a new klikkie month.
  • For communication with customer service:
  • To solve problems with your account
  • To reorder photographs
  • To inform you when you will receive your photographs
  • If you need customer service for other purposes.
  • Telephone data are used so customer service can call you about customer service-related problems.

2. Legal obligation

Due to legal obligations, we are required to store the following data: Acceptance of our terms and conditions: We store this in order to be able to prove that you have read our general terms and conditions and accepted them. Opt-in for tracking cookies: To be able to prove that you have accepted tracking cookies that were placed in your browser when you visited our website. Opt-in for receiving marketing emails and newsletters: To be able to prove that you have agreed to receive marketing emails and newsletters with tips & tricks.

3. To serve the justified interest of klikkie.

Klikkie processes personal data to ensure we can improve our service to the customer based on the collected data. Here our justified interest supersedes your privacy rights. Data is created from the information we collect from you which is then used for statistical purposes and data that is used for Google Analytics. Static data:

  • Data that are connected to your account:
  • Purchase history
  • Account status (active, paused, ended)
  • Referrals
  • Communication with customer service.
  • Response to customer satisfaction survey
  • Content of the photographs you upload to your account

The collection of these personal data has the following purposes:

  • The collection of statistical data helps us to understand the trends and needs of our customers so we can adjust and improve our service to this.
  • The collection of static data about customer satisfaction helps us improve customer service
  • The static data we collect about the content of photographs that are uploaded provides insights into the needs of our customers so we can better respond to these needs.

Analytical data: We use Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to keep track of and receive reports on how visitors use our website. This way we can improve the website and services. Google may share these data with third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or for as far as third parties process these data on Google's behalf.

Google is contractually forbidden to use the acquired analytical data for other Google services. The data Google collects is made anonymous as much as possible. Your IP address is expressly excluded. The data are transferred to a Google server located in the United States. Google states to observe the Privacy Shield Principles and is affiliated with the Privacy-Shield program of the United States Department of Commerce. This means there is an adequate protection level for the processing of any personal data.

You can install a browser extension ("Opt-out Browser Add-on") to prevent Google Analytics from following you on our website and other websites.

4. Permission

When you visit the klikkie website, you are asked to accept the use of cookies and whether we are permitted to approach you with a newsletter.

The data we collect with the cookies is used for the following purposes:

For marketing purposes, such as:

  • Promotional purposes: This includes carrying out competitions and promotional campaigns, sending newsletters, showing offers and information, sending service notices or other electronic notices via our website, and outside this via advertising networks and social channels, such as Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram;
  • Profiling purposes: This includes sharing and combining personal data to develop a profile, so we can adjust the contents of our website, information, advertising, products, and services to your interests and behavior.
  • This concerns the following types of personal data:
  • Personal data like name, gender, email address, telephone number, and date of birth
  • Interaction data like IP address, surfing and click behavior on the website, and cookies. More information about the cookies that are placed by us and by third parties can be found in the cookie statement.

5. Who can access your data?

We work with third parties for the execution of our services. The third parties receive your data if this is necessary for the execution of our services or if we are legally required to do so. Third parties are only provided personal data if you have given permission or if this is permitted on the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation.

We work with third parties for the execution of our services. Think of parties like delivery partners, printing partners, suppliers, product support, payment partners, and IT service providers. Naturally, a printing partners needs access to your photographs in order for him to print them and send them to the right address. It is also useful if the delivery partner knows to which address he needs to deliver your order.

Other parties, such as data management platforms, media and advertising agencies, and research agencies become involved when we want to provide personal advice or show targeted advertisements. Some cookie developers have access to the data that is collected by the cookies on our website. You can read more about this in our cookie statement and the privacy policy of these parties.

These third parties may be in the Netherlands, other countries in the European Economic Area, or somewhere else in the world. When we store personal data outside the EEA, we will ensure an adequate level of protection of the transferred data. We require service providers and other service suppliers to take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of the personal data.

These databases are stored within the EEA as much as possible. It may sometimes occur that data are stored in countries outside the EEA. We always ensure that your privacy is adequately protected with, for instance, the Privacy Shield or standard agreements that provide sufficient protection.

klikkie's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

6. How long do we store your data?

If you create an account with klikkie and upload photographs, we store these photographs so you can see and/or print these at a later date. If you want photographs to be removed, you can always submit a request for removal by sending an email to We will fulfill this request within a period of one month. If you pause your account, we will store the photographs and personal data so you can access them again when you resume your subscription. This way, you can easily see which photographs you uploaded in the previous months.

If you choose to definitively end your account, we will immediately delete your photographs and personal data from our database. If you register with klikkie again at a later date, you will need to provide your personal data again and you will no longer be able to see the old photographs. If you end your account, we will store your invoice, payment, and order data for seven years. We need these data for our administration, and we are required to store these for seven years based on the tax laws. After this period, we will only use anonymous data for internal reports. You also need to store your invoices yourself, for when the guarantee lapses for instance.

7. Protection of personal data and liability

At klikkie we believe it is important that your personal data are properly protected. For this reason we have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent loss or unauthorized processing of personal data. Our software is made on the infrastructure of Google Cloud. Google uses security for this which is ISO 27001 certified. These measures are in line with the applicable privacy and data protection legislation. For more information about the security used by Google Cloud, you can go to the following website:

Naturally, 100% security of the website or app cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, klikkie cannot be held responsible or liable for unauthorized, unlawful, or unwanted access to personal data stored outside klikkie. Klikkie uses third parties that – if necessary – receive personal data for the execution of their job. These third parties are not held to this privacy statement and we are therefore not liable for the content, privacy, and security of such third parties. We advise you to also carefully read the privacy statements of such parties.

Furthermore, klikkie is not liable, subject to intent or gross negligence, for privacy breaches caused by the incorrect entering of personal data on our website. If you provide your personal data to klikkie, you are responsible for the accuracy of these data and for keeping them up to date.

8. Using your privacy rights

In this privacy statement we explain how we handle your personal data and what we exactly do with these data. Under the General Data Protection Regulation you also have rights that you can use at all times. Below, we explain which rights you have exactly and how you can use them.

  • Right to access: You have the right to access the data klikkie has stored about you. You can see which personal data klikkie has stored about you in your profile. If you want to see other stored data, you can contact customer service via
  • Right to correction: You have the right to change the personal data we have stored. You can do this by easily changing your personal data in your profile.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive the uploaded photographs and personal data. You receive access to your personal data by logging into your profile and go to the "months" tab. Here you will find all your uploaded photographs of the previous months.
  • Right to erasure: You have the right to request your data to be deleted at all times. You can do this by sending an email to and submitting a request. We will carry out this request within one month.
  • Unsubscribing from marketing emails: We send our emails via Mailchimp. You can unsubscribe from these emails via the email itself. You can do this by indicating you no longer want to receive this type of email at the bottom of the marketing email. We will immediately process your request to unsubscribe so you will no longer receive marketing emails.
  • Right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data: If you have given permission for klikkie to process your personal data, you can withdraw your permission at any time by contacting us or by sending an email to Keep in mind that withdrawing your permission does not affect the legality of the processing activities before the withdrawal that were based on such permission. Moreover, you have the right to request us to limit the ways in which we use your personal data.
  • Object to processing: You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for certain specific purposes (including) profiling when such processing is based on a justified interest. If you object to such processing, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes, unless we can show that there are compelling grounds for such processing or that such processing is required for initiating, enacting, or defending legal claims. You can do this by sending an email to and submitting a request. We will carry out this request within one month.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint about klikkie's data processing with the Data Protection Authority.

Do you have any questions or complaints?

For questions or complaints about the protection of your privacy, you can contact klikkie's Data Protection Officer.


Post: Herengracht 577, 1017CD Amsterdam, the Netherlands, attn. Data Protection Officer.

Call: +31 (0)20-6611506

Who is responsible for your data?

We are Klikkie B.V. (Chamber of Commerce 68840853, VAT number NL 8576 14289 B01)

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